Are you a wholesalers and/or distributor within the beauty industry?

Please provide the requested details** to Reva International via email, telephone or facsimile. Our team will create your account and notify you within 24 hours. Once you are notified, you will be able to purchase as a wholesaler and access our wonderful range of products at competitive wholesale prices.

We value our wholesale account holders and have focused on providing competitive prices and value for money.

We at Reva International value our retail clientele equally and have positioned our prices competitively within the industry (as you can see from the range of products at retail prices displayed our site).

We encourage you to log in frequently to take advantage of our special offers and select promotions.


** If you are a new wholesaler and/or distributor and would like to be part of the revolutionary Reva International range, we ask you to provide the following information;

Business Name (including ABN) – a scanned copy of your business registration is required and can be sent by email or facsimile to (03) 9460 6002.

Address and contact telephone/facsimile number; email address; website address (if applicable).

Please note, we request that you complete 3 or more individual orders to qualify for our trading terms. You will then be informed by the Reva International team whether your interest as a stockist has been accepted. Please feel free to contact our friendly team on (03) 9460 7004 if you would like further information.